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Communication & Multimedia Design

Communication & Multimedia Design

Communication & Multimedia Design (Mass Communication)

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
School of Arts & Sciences
Global or local political and socio-cultural change in modern societies cannot be understood without first understanding media and communications.

Communication technologies and the various organizations that have evolved around them have fundamentally changed the way we lead our lives and the patterns of culture, economics and politics in modern societies.

The complexity and dynamic nature of modern communication requires a cutting edge curriculum that is interdisciplinary, technologically driven, modern, and practical. In pursuit of the development as agents and agencies of development, peace building and change.

Our mission is to produce graduates who are agents of change – skilled in using modern multimedia forms to tell stories that can change their societies. Most of the courses are very practical and are deliberately designed to answer ‘how to’ questions.

To accomplish this, the CMD program employs a flexible approach that allows students to become a Communication and Multimedia generalist or to specialize in any of the professional concentrations, including Public Relations & Advertising (PRAD), Journalism, Multimedia Design, and Radio/TV/Film. Each concentration offers a balanced mixture of basic and advanced laboratory and lecture courses. Laboratory courses sharpen students' skills, while lecture courses enable students to view the profession from a variety of perspectives. Students also have the option to double-concentrate.

Classes are taught in state-of-the-art computer labs and classrooms. The department has two well-equipped media labs as well as an emerging TV/Radio production and broadcast facility. The networked labs are equipped with the latest software and served by in-house servers and databases. Separate Mac labs designed for advertising, graphics, photo-journalism, and multimedia are equipped with appropriate film and flatbed scanners, CD/DVD drives and burners, DV decks, and printers. The Professor Idorenyin Akpan Digital and Multimedia Laboratory and production facilities are housed in the new Robert A. Pastor Library and E-Learning Center.

Upon completion of all degree requirements, students will receive a Bachelor of Science in Communications and Multimedia Design, with a concentration in any of the following:

  • Public Relations & Advertising (PRAD)
  • Journalism
  • Multimedia Design
  • Radio/Television/Film.

To be allowed to declare a concentration, students must be in good academic standing and must have completed 60 credits (at least 30 of them in CMD courses).

Students in consultation with the program Chair may elect to declare a no-concentration option - in effect pursuing a general degree in communications and multimedia. Such an option (which involves two courses from each concentration in addition to Major requirements) prepares students for a comprehensive understanding of the various disciplines in the profession.
The Bachelor of Science in Communications and Multimedia consists of a total of 128 credits with 66 credits from Major and Major elective (concentration) requirements.

This entails 48 major requirements, 18 major electives chosen from a bouquet of courses within a chosen concentration.

The requirements are outlined below:

CMD Major Requirements (48 Credits)
  • CMD 110 Introduction to Communication Studies - 3
  • CMD 120 Writing for the Mass Media - 3
  • CMD 121 Principles of Multimedia Designs - 3
  • CMD 211 Globalization, Development & the Mass Media - 3
  • CMD 212 Principles of Public Relations & Advertising - 3
  • CMD 213 Principles of Journalism - 3
  • CMD 220 Intercultural Communications - 3
  • CMD 223 Foundations of Broadcasting - 3
  • CMD 310 Research in Communication - 3
  • CMD 312 Theories of Communication - 3
  • CMD 313 Media Law and Ethics - 3
  • CMD 315 Public Speaking & Event Management - 3
  • CMD 413 Social Media Dynamics - 3
  • CMD 490 Senior Research Project - 3
  • CMD 493 Communication Internship** - 3
  • CMD 495 Capstone Career Project
** Students will not be allowed to register for an internship (CMD 493) until s/he has completed 90 credit hours (12 credits of which must be within his/her area of concentration).

Journalism Concentration (18 Credits) Students choose any 6 courses
  • CMD 207 Peace Journalism - 3
  • CMD 221 Newswriting and Reporting - 3
  • CMD 224 Online /Digital Journalism - 3
  • CMD 329 Photojournalism - 3
  • CMD 425 Feature Writing - 3
  • CMD 324 Editorial and Critical Writing - 3
  • CMD 325 News Editing and Production - 3
  • CMD 417 Foreign Correspondence - 3
  • CMD 418 Specialized Reporting - 3

Public Relations & Advertising (PRAD) Concentration (18 Credits) Students choose any 6 courses
  • CMD 421 Media Relations - 3
  • CMD 432 Community Relations - 3
  • CMD 323 Advertising Creative Strategies - 3
  • CMD 412 Public Diplomacy & Strategic Media Interventions - 3
  • CMD 414 Management of Advertising Agencies & Public Relations Consultancies - 3
  • CMD 416 Advertising/PR Campaigns - 3
  • CMD 225 Business Communications - 3
  • CMD 443 Economic & Social Issues in PRAD - 3
  • CMD 448 Integrated Marketing Communications - 3

Radio/Television/Film Concentration (18 Credits) students choose any 6 courses
  • CMD 445 Screenwriting - 3
  • CMD 444 Cinematography - 3
  • CMD 419 Web Broadcast Operations - 3
  • CMD 326 Radio, FILM & TV Production - 3
  • CMD 319 Announcing & Performance - 3
  • CMD 330 Film & Video Editing - 3
  • CMD 115 Basic Photography & Videography - 3
  • CMD 217 Broadcast Media Aesthetics - 3
  • CMD 435 TV/Film Directing - 3

Multimedia Design (18 Credits) student choose any 6 courses
  • CMD 115 Basic Photography & Videography - 3
  • CMD 125 Introduction to Visual Culture - 3
  • CMD 424 Multimedia Authoring - 3
  • CMD 226 Design Studio - 3
  • CMD 311 User Experience & User Interface Design - 3
  • CMD 322 Website & Mobile App Design - 3
  • CMD 215 Descriptive & Illustrative Drawing - 3
  • CMD 327 Digital Animation - 3
  • CMD 328 Multimedia Graphics Designs - 3

Communications & Multimedia Double Concentration
Students enrolled in the Communications and Multimedia program may pursue a second concentration; however, students must satisfy the requirements in both concentration areas.

Minimum Total Graduating Units: 120

2023/24 Annual Tuition

Course Duration
Full Time: 4-year average

Visit our admissions page for full application details.
Call: +234 815 969 2478
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98 Lamido Zubairu Way
Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 805-200-2962

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