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Buba Audu

Assistant Professor

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I have twelve years of teaching experience in the University system. Currently, I am an Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the ºÚÁÏÍø in Yola, which offers an ºÚÁÏÍø style of education at undergraduate and graduate levels. It is the first ºÚÁÏÍø-style university in Sub-Saharan Africa. And it is also the only development University in Africa.
Prior to this role, I was the coordinator of the Department of Actuarial Science at the University of Jos, Nigeria. I have also been responsible for coordinating undergraduate students at various levels of studies in the department of Mathematics; Statistics and Computer Science of the same University of Jos in Nigeria. I have participated in several higher education academic workshop sessions and international training courses in econometric; panel data analysis; vector autoregression modeling (VAR); vector error correction model (VECM); autoregressive distributed lags (ARDL) modeling; time series analysis; statistical test of hypothesis; experimental data analysis; univariate data analysis; multivariate data analysis; introduction to partial least square (survey data analysis); advanced partial least square (survey data analysis); adventures in questionnaire design; reliability analysis and exploratory factor analysis; theoretical and conceptual framework; academic publication; publishing articles in high impact factor journals and writing a research proposal. I am a recipient of several awards including the Nigerian Tertiary Education Trust Fund Ph.D. award and the International Fund for Agricultural Development students field practicum research award for master’s in global sustainable development practice (MSDP) program.
While pursuing my Ph.D. at the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia, I developed a novel framework for ARCH and GARCH wavelet algorithm for the estimation of future prices of African stock market share prices by innovatively adapting the wavelets methods of data decomposition and noise reduction. In my current position as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Statistics at the ºÚÁÏÍø in Yola, my role in teaching Introduction to Research and Statistical Methods is to teach students to understand basic research methodology concepts and terms; and to help them to understand how to apply the research methodology process; and to assist them to understand how to apply some relevant techniques in research designs, sampling, measurement, and data collection; and to help the student identify researchable problems, and formulate associated research questions, hypotheses, and research objectives, in a well-formatted research proposal; and to guide the students to understand and apply relevant descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, tabulating and graphing data) and as well as to help them understand and apply inferential statistics (chi-square, t-test, ANOVA, multiple regression, logistic regression, path analysis). In addition to these, my role is also to teach the students how to read & understand research reports employing appropriate research and statistical methods; and also to practically teach students how to apply their knowledge of research and statistical methods in any of the ºÚÁÏÍø development projects; and as well as teaching them how to present reports of their research projects using appropriate formats. I am also at present teaching Pre-Calculus and University Algebra Mathematics courses. I am recent a team member supervising a Ph.D. student that is working on the topic: The Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), Entrepreneurial Management(EM), and External Environment (EE) on the Business Performance of Women Garment Entrepreneurs in the South Western States, Nigeria. I have two peer-reviewed publications from my PhD thesis in the journal of finance and data science, which is an Elsevier journal that is indexed on Scopus. 
Finance and econometrics
Rural financing
Modelling of infectious diseases.
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98 Lamido Zubairu Way
Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 805-200-2962

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