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David Oluwadare Adetoro

Assistant Professor

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David Oluwadare Adetoro is a solicitor and barrister with robust knowledge of the natural resource (oil, gas, mining, and electricity) industry. Adetoro was educated in Nigeria and the United Kingdom; he attended both Obafemi Awolowo University (LL. B) Ile-Ife and University of Lagos (LL.M) before undertaking further higher degrees at the Center for Energy, Petroleum, Mineral Law and Policy (LL.M) at the University of Dundee and completed his doctoral degree at the prestigious School of Law of the University of Glasgow. His doctoral thesis was on competition/antitrust policy and natural resources: ‘The Nexus between Competition Policy and Resource Utilization: What are the Challenging Implications for Development in Nigeria?’

Immediately after his doctorate degree, he was employed as a research consultant at Mildwaters Consulting LLP. He has extensive knowledge of the legal, regulatory, and business environment in Africa. In addition to practice experience, he also has extensive consulting and advisory experience involving transnational transactions.


Competition (Antitrust) Policy, Oil and Gas, Electricity, Natural Resources; Development, Policy and Regulation.

Legal Methods; Law, Society & Development; Public International Law; Industrial & Intellectual Property Law; Energy, Oil & Gas Law; Journal of Law, Ethics &Development; Engineering Law

 A. Books

i. D.O Adetoro, Competition Policy, and Resource Utilization:  An Agenda for Resource- Dependent Developing Countries, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016

B. Articles

ii. D. O Adetoro & S. H. Adetoro, ‘Resolving the Equation of Domestic Violence: Is there any Protection for the Male Victims in Nigeria?’ (2021), Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 4 (2021).

iii. D. O Adetoro, ‘Highlights of Nigeria’s Federal Competition and Consumer Act: An overview,’ (2021) World Competition Law and Economics Review 41(2021) Business Law Review, 237-242 (Issue 6 in print).

iv. P.S. Martins & D.O. Adetoro, ‘Extra-Judicial Killings and Punishment by the Nigerian Police: Could this be Justified under the Nigerian Laws?’  II (2021) Ife Jurist Law Review (IFJR in print).

v. S.H Adetoro & D. O. ‘Adetoro Reaping the mineral wealth: what are the lessons for Nigeria?’ 19 (2021) Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, 93-100. vi. D. O Adetoro & S. H. Adetoro, ‘Right to Work at the Theatre of Discrimination in a Resource-Dependent Country: Opera Employers’ Market’ 41(2020) Business Law Review, 237-242.

vii. S.H Adetoro & D.O. Adetoro, ‘’Beyond the dream; what are the real challenges of financing gas-fired power plants in Nigeria?’’ 18 (2020) Journal of Public Administration, Finance and Law, 113-123.

viii. D. O. Adetoro,, ‘Social Media, the Law, and Freedom of Expression: Latitudes and Limits’, 2018 Conference Proceedings of the 51st National Association of Law Teachers.

ix. D. O Adetoro & S. H. Adetoro, ‘Resolving Disputes Involving Accidental Pollution by Oil: What Are The Challenges?’ 2009 (18) 4 European Energy and Environmental 209-214.

x. D.O. Adetoro ‘Can the Imposition of a Regulator in any Liberalized Energy Market be Justified by Market Behaviours?’ (2006) Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 24(3) 384-403. xi. D.O. Adetoro, ‘Examining Mediation as the Opportunity Cost of Litigation: Can it be Sustained in the Long Term?’  (2005) Mineral & Energy- Raw Materials Report 20(2) 28-35. xii. D. O Adetoro, ‘Competition and the Social Costs of Corruption in a Resource- Dependent Economy: the peculiarities of the African situation’ (Under Review).

Nigerian Bar Association



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