Ms. Laila Dauda Ahmed is an instructor of languages and general studies in the Department of General Education (GenEd). She is currently enrolled for a Ph. D. (Arabic Literature) program at Al-Hikma University, Ilorin-Nigeria. She holds a Master’s degree in Linguistics and Literature in Foreign Languages from China University of Geosciences Wuhan, as well as Bachelor's degree (B.A Arabic Studies) from University of Maiduguri, Nigeria. She is also a holder of National Certificate in Education (NCE) from Federal College of Education, Yola, and taught in primary school between 2005 and 2015. Apart from her primary assignment in GenEd, she is also involved in spiritual guidance and counseling at the New Foundation School of AUN, Yola, and a member of - Adamawa Peacemakers Initiative (AUN-API).
Laila is a highly motivated language professional with extensive experience in language consulting, translation, and interpretation. She is passionate about education and learning new languages. Her expertise lies in excellent communication skills, motivating and guiding students by setting clear attainable learning objectives to learn new languages and explore new cultures. She is proficient in Arabic, English, Hausa, and Fulfulde and good in Chinese (Mandarin) language.
Ph.D. Thesis Title: An Artistic Features in Some Selected Poems of Female (Arabic) Poets in Northern Nigeria
- Arabic literature
- critical discourse analysis
- Translation
- Gender equality
- Cultural studies.
- Arabic Language
- Fulfulde Language
- Nigerian Peoples and Culture
- Assayouti, S.O. and Ahmed, L.D. (2023). (السمات الفنية يف شعر مسعو دة اثلث الكنوية: دراسة حتليلية) "Artistic features in the poetry of Mas'uda Thalith Al-Kanwiyyah: An analytical study". Al-Ma’adin: The Journal of Arabic, Literary and Translation Studies, ISSN 2814-0927, Vol. 1(2) pp 20-39. (Arabic Text).
- Ahmed, L.D. (2022). (دور الحاسوب في تطوير اللغة العربية: قسم الدراسات العربية جامعة ميدغورى.) The Role of Computers in the Development of the Arabic Language: A Case Study of the Department of Arabic studies university of Maiduguri. Journal of Adamawa state Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic studies. ISSN: 2756-3774, Vol. 2(1) pp 54-66. (Arabic Text with English abstract).
- Ahmed, L.D. (2022). The Arabic Culture Among Women in Yola Town, Northeastern Nigeria. A Paper Presented at the 8th International Conference on Arabic Language and Literature in Malaysia, themed “Arabic Language and its Future Challenges”. (December 2022)
- Member AMICAL Consortium
- Member, AUN Institutional Review Board
- Member Nigeria Association of Teachers of Arabic and Islamic Studies (NATAIS)