Associate Professor
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Dr. Fonkam is returning to his role as Dean of the AUN’s flagship School of IT & Computing (SITC), after barely a year away. As one of the founding faculty of SITC since Jan 2006, he assumed the leadership of the School from April 2011 until July 2020 during which time he oversaw many revamps, innovations, and introductions of new courses and programs that catapulted SITC to one of the most referenced schools of IT & Computing in Nigeria. He led the introduction of the first graduate Masters & Ph.D. programs at AUN
A strong computer scientist and avid software engineer with over 4 years of direct industry experience in the Silicon Valley, Dean Fonkam has provided a distinction for SITC by emphasizing practical hands-on and problem-solving skills in the computing curricula of SITC in comparison to other Nigerian Universities. This approach has seen many SITC graduates going on to establish and run their own IT companies in the country becoming entrepreneurs and employers of labor for the country. A good many other graduates of SITC have gone on to complete Masters and Ph.D. programs at such prestigious universities as Carnegie Mellon (US), Georgetown (US), Columbia (US), Alberta (Canada), Celbridge (South Korea), Manchester (UK), Cardiff(UK), etc and several now work for such prestigious Silicon Valley companies such as Google.
Open-source software practice
Data Science/Analytics
Systems thinking