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M.Sc. Communication And Multimedia Designs

M.Sc. Communication And Multimedia Designs

M.Sc. Communication And Multimedia Designs
School of Arts & Science
About the program

The M.Sc. program in Communication and Multimedia Designs at AUN is designed to provide a comprehensive foundation in theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and research methodologies crucial for success in the dynamic field of Communication and Multimedia. It integrates academic, cultural, economic, and social aspects to foster holistic human development. By emphasizing creativity, innovation, and cutting-edge media technologies, this program equips students to thrive in the rapidly evolving field of Communication and Multimedia. 

The M.Sc. in Communication and Multimedia Designs at AUN offers a multifaceted approach to education, equipping graduates with diverse skill sets in theoretical knowledge, practical expertise, and research methodologies. This comprehensive foundation empowers them for successful careers in academia, industry, or entrepreneurship. The program fosters innovation and problem-solving skills by encouraging creative thinking and interdisciplinary approaches to address societal challenges on local and global scales. 

Graduates emerge as self-reliant job creators, contributing to poverty alleviation and economic growth. With specialized tracks in areas such as Public Relations and Advertising, Journalism, Radio, TV, and Film, and Multimedia Designs, students can tailor their education to their specific career aspirations. The curriculum prepares students to navigate the dynamic field of communication and multimedia, ensuring they can effectively participate in the global arena.

2023/24 Total Tuition

(for 36 credit hours total)

Visit our admissions page for full application details.

Call: +234 0805 226 6398
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98 Lamido Zubairu Way
Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 805-200-2962

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