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Amazing AUN Influences Choices I make in Life – Class of 2020 Valedictorian Fatima Rilwa

Amazing AUN Influences Choices I make in Life – Class of 2020 Valedictorian Fatima Rilwa

Class of 2020 Valedictorian Ms. Fatima Uwa Rilwan dazzled the Commencement audience with her brilliant speech on July 10. However, the soft-spoken, tough-willed Computer Science graduate admits that while her professors have equipped her with world-class education and skill-sets to excel in life, it is the University's development philosophy that has vastly transformed her worldview.

In the build-up to the 12th Commencement ceremony activities, Fatima, beaming with smiles, offered a glimpse of her remarkable journey through this prestigious institution which began from the AUN Elementary, a story of intellectual curiosity, ambition, hard work and an unyielding resolve to overcome whatever obstacles she encountered in the pursuit of her dream.

"Being a girl from an average background, my initial goal was to become prosperous and affluent, but AUN taught me that there is more to life than material success; that it is more satisfying to give back to society. AUN taught me service and integrity and to measure my progress in life against the parameter of touched lives and the happiness of the larger community.

"AUN made me a different, albeit a more contented person. I now seriously dream about starting an NGO to help vulnerable females because I come from a part of the world where females are seen as inferior, where most of them don't go to school and don't have a voice. I developed this mindset at AUN".

A scholarship student from the Shehu Musa Yar'Adua Foundation from college, Fatima, who graduated Summa Cum Laude in Computer Science, shone like a star at graduation, scooping up the top five awards available in her year. Fatima won:

  • Award for Academic Excellence—Class Valedictorian
  • AUN Founder's Award for Outstanding Academic Performance
  • Provost/VPAA Award for Academic Excellence
  • Award for Academic Excellence-- best graduating in School of IT & Computing, and
  • Award for Academic Distinction—best graduating student in Computer Science.

Despite her sterling academic records, Fatima is still firmly rooted in her self-effacing and humble background, attributing her exploits to God. Her curiosity, though, began quite early in life and has been a powerful motivation in her dream chase.

"I attended both my primary and secondary schools here at AUN, and I remember we would come to the Main campus to attend events, ceremonies and for exercises. I watched the Commencement Speakers with awe and listened to their speeches with great respect, but I had no clue, even then, what I wanted to study. I would eventually major in computer science and minor in mathematics, but it is only at AUN that an undecided student can enjoy such mentorship and career grooming.

"At one point, I intended to study medicine, but when I came, I began with NES but wasn't enjoying it. I changed to economics before going to study computer science. My love for mathematics which began since I was a kid, influenced my choice of a minor. I emerged the best in a mathematics competition in my secondary school.

“I fell in love with AUN right from the start. This University is amazing, and life outside this campus will be different. The e-library is very rich; a student can get whatever book she needs at AUN. The luxury dorms, immaculate environment, very comfortable classrooms, professors who listen to you and help you improve each day. Honestly, everything here makes you think and feel you are a privileged Nigerian. AUN makes it a priority that all students are comfortable.

“AUN is the best because I've not seen anywhere like it and I'm very proud to be here”.

Reported by Grace Togor Passa



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