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AUN CMD Seniors Set to Graduate, Exhibit Short Films, Web Pages, Games Apps, Graphic Designs

AUN CMD Seniors Set to Graduate, Exhibit Short Films, Web Pages, Games Apps, Graphic Designs

On November 27, 2023, senior AUN Communications & Multimedia Design (CMD) department students exhibited their final-year projects. It was the second time they were mounting an exhibition as part of their project defense, the first being in the Spring 2023 semester.

During that first exhibition in May 2023, the Chair of the CMD program, Prof. Joseph Rishante, tasked his students to continually improve on their productions, as AUN wouldn't accept anything less than qualitative productions that can favorably compete internationally. He also urged the students to create a marketable portfolio before graduating, adding that it would give them an edge over competitors in the same field.

The CMD senior students effectively utilized the quality multimedia studio equipment available to them, combined with their taught skills to create such captivating films, web page designs, games, and graphics into a reality, thrilling the exhibition audience.

Prof. Rishante, in his welcome remark, stated that AUN's CMD has come of age to produce idealistic films, documentaries, graphics, photos, and even comic books of the highest quality with well-researched themes. He reiterated his commitment to seeing that in the near future, the CMD Department's exhibition attracts an outside audience of renowned media personalities and professionals from both local and, perhaps, international media establishments.

The presentations were: "The Jungle" by Bemutter Tilley-Gyado, an innovative web design for class attendance monitoring and evaluation, with lots of other valuable features named "Attendaese" by Veno Amanguno, a web design called "Online Swipe," cafeteria online vending apps which provide menu linked with time, orders, order cart and bills, and billing summary, by Ahmed Badamasuiy, and Andrew Thomas, and a video interview podcast by Akachukwu Madueke.

Other exciting presentations include a web design page for games and gamers to register and play online or download games by Bemutter Tilley-Gyado and Saraya Yusuf, a video by Kamsi Oraekie, Mary J, and a poster presentation by Maimuna Garba.

Present to appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the exhibition are Prof. Rishante, Prof. Philip Effiong, Prof. Charles Ngusha Nyiyongu, Mr. Uchenna Nwafor, and Mr. Emmanuel Best Thliza.

Reported by John Abah



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