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AUN President Unveils Six Components of 2024 -2029 Strategic Plan

AUN President Unveils Six Components of 2024 -2029 Strategic Plan

The anticipation was palpable as the library auditorium filled with excitement on March 15th, 2024, eagerly waiting for President Dewayne Frazier to reveal the key areas of the University's strategic plans for 2024–2029, which promised to take the institution to new heights for staff inputs.

The president's key areas of focus at the congress include investments in human resource development, organizational sustainability through academic entrepreneurship and innovation, capital and infrastructure improvements, community engagement, and a review of existing policies to capture new realities.

The congregation was told that the University has already teamed up with Academic Impression to provide faculty and staff with access to a variety of online professional development opportunities as part of carrying out the plan. Currently, the University is making great strides in improving student housing through ongoing renovations and efforts to launch AUN consultancy services. More initiatives are being propelled by the finishing touches being put on the plan.

President Frazier emphasized that the strategic plan is not only going to benefit faculty and staff but will also enhance the overall experience and impact of the university community. He encouraged both faculty and staff to add their voice to build a plan that will be filled with progress and distinction to take the university into the future.

some staff present at the event expressed their readiness to support the president in moving the University forward.

Reported by Aishatu Munnauwarah Yahya



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