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Dean Byron Fetes New Students on Valentine's Day

Dean Byron Fetes New Students on Valentine's Day

February 14 is a hectic day in the year for Cupid, the mythical Roman messenger of love, but he still managed to show up on campus. It was St. Valentine's Day, and AUN students would not be left out of the world party celebrating love and kindness. So they turned up in their numbers, in Cupid's favorite colors – red, pink, and white. They trooped into the Dean of Student Affairs office, Mr. Byron Bullock, exchanging pleasantries and banters.

Dean Byron's offices also wore the feel and touch of the special day. They were decorated with various love symbols with inscriptions of love expressions. The whole place soon became a bee-hive of students trooping in and out to partake of the merriment, helping themselves to baskets of confectionaries, beverages, and pancakes provided for their entertainment. The atmosphere was lightened with chatter and excitement. Love was indeed in the air.

When he could catch his breath, Dean Bullock explained that he had invited new students and used the occasion to appreciate student leaders for their stewardship and contributions to the community.

"I want the new students to use this opportunity to find where my office is located," Dean Byron told us. The DSA does everything on purpose.

Joel Jackson, an Accounting major, was impressed, "it is a good feeling to celebrate Val's day on the AUN campus." Another student, Ikedi Chukwuozo, a final-year Software Engineering major, said, "the feeling is very calm and warm; it's a good thing to celebrate unconditional love." Habiba Usman, a Petroleum Chemistry major, said, "it's a very special day because true love still exists."

If you missed your way to the party, the sticky notes students pasted on the walls in the DSA's offices said it all. "I wish our friendship goes beyond here; you are a good soul. Happy Val". "It's a good feeling knowing you; real love still exists." Cupid would be proud.

Reported by John Abah



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