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Fifty Shades of Neon: Was it Worth the Hype?

Fifty Shades of Neon: Was it Worth the Hype?

The Glow in Dark Party took place on February 12 inside the main bowl of the Student Activity Hub. With music booming in the air, excited students began streaming into the hall at about 10 pm even though the event was advertised for an hour earlier. They were mostly dressed in the themed outfit: neon and white.

Before the event, I had a conversation with one of the organizers. Her name is Sophia Gwadah, and she is the co-leader of SPEC (Special Events and Comedies). It is a section of CAB (Campus Activities Board), an organization in the University that is responsible for creating events and keeping students entertained. In the interview, she described the idea of the event, the expectations, and the preparations. She said, "The event is like a 2-in-1. It is like a theme party where you can let loose and have fun. On the other side, you have games to play. So, you cannot be bored."

Entering the hall, the first thing to notice was the overpowering beat of African music. When I got there, the music was oozing from a corner handled by DJ Ena, a student in her junior year. The seamless manner she eased one beat into the next while maintaining a steady melodious dance ebb and flow made it easy for students to enjoy the music. Also, there were snack tables where light refreshments like cupcakes and drinks were served to keep the students energized for the event. The snack station had LED lights to make it easy to find their location.

The spot chosen for the event was pleasant because the space allowed for freedom of movement and proper ventilation. The games arena was filled with students competing in Twister, Jenga, Bowling, and Ring toss. Reflecting on the event, one can appreciate the effort put in by CAB in engaging students and keeping the campus alive with great entertainment. It was fun, different, and worth experiencing.

Reported by Deborah Sike

Intern with the Marketing and Communications Department



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