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Flexibility in Choosing or Changing a Major, an AUN Advantage - Dean Fay

Flexibility in Choosing or Changing a Major, an AUN Advantage - Dean Fay

Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Patrick Fay, has explained to the entering AUN Class of 2026/2027 that the freedom to choose or change a major is an advantage the University has over other universities.

"You have a breathing space in which, if you like, you can change your major. So if you come in to do some topic or other you can change over. After six or twelve months, you can decide, no, that's not for me, I want to do something else. That's the scope that you do not get in a lot of other universities. There's also great scope here, for personal development", said Dean Fay.

Welcoming the new students to AUN, Dean Fay likened their quest for quality university education to igniting a flame and assured them they had come to the right place. “You are not here to learn a whole lot of facts and figures. They are important, but what is more important is to ignite your curiosity, your interest in whatever the topic is; and there are a lot of different degrees here that you can do, and there is the possibility here that you do not have in a lot of other universities because everyone here has to do general education subjects”.

Dean Fay advised the new students to enrich their academic experience by engaging in extra-curricular activities, including leadership training and service learning.



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