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Library Registration Council Delegates Applaud Facilities at AUN After Touring Campus

Library Registration Council Delegates Applaud Facilities at AUN After Touring Campus

Delegates from the Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria on Tuesday, November 15, 2022, paid a courtesy call to a colleague and University Librarian Mr. Benson Ali in his office at the Robert Pastor e-library and Resource Center after rounding off their official induction assignment at the Modibbo Adama University, Yola.

Mr. Benson Ali later took his professional colleagues around the campus to better appreciate the University's excellent learning support facilities. The guests were taken to the Student Activities Hub where the Director of Student Activities and Involvement, Mr. Sesugh Annger, explained to them the numerous activities students carry out in the hub. He said, "we know they are young people, we just try to engage them after their classroom, we organize different activities, even shows for them, so that they don't have to seek it outside."

The University Librarian Mr. Benson Ali had earlier shown the visitors around a few facilities in the Robert Pastor e-library and Resource Center where they were impressed with AUN's vast digital holdings, as the Librarian gave a detailed explanation of what the university is doing to provide students with research and study resources.

He narrated how AUN accommodated over 400 final-year students from Adamawa State University in 2014 when Boko Haram attacked their institution. Mr. Benson also explained the uniquely AUN concept of sharing library resources with other higher institutions in the Northeast through the Library on a Flash (LOAF) program.

The Acting Registrar, of the Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria, Mr. Abdullahi Jafaru Waseh was fascinated. "I'm very impressed with the types and quality of facility I see here; it is very encouraging and it is worth the cost for people of Nigeria to send their children to school here."

A former Deputy Director, of the Librarian Registration Council of Nigeria, Mr. Babale D. Zubairu, also shared his impression: "the quietness and peaceful environment for learning here has captivated me. Also as an IT person, I must confess, I'm impressed with the e-Library; from what I've seen, 99 percent of the university's resources are digital."

Reported by John Abah



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Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
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