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My PhD Journey, My Gratitude to Those Who Made It Possible, by Dr. Praise Abdulkadir

My PhD Journey, My Gratitude to Those Who Made It Possible, by Dr. Praise Abdulkadir

The Vice Principal of AUN Schools, Dr. Praise Abdulkarim has been speaking about his recent successful doctoral degree defense.

Please kindly recall that Dr. Praise was featured in the inaugural viva voce of the AUN School of Business and Entrepreneurship on November 23, 2023.

Since then, he has been receiving congratulatory messages from friends within and outside the University Community.

This is Dr. Praise Abdulkarim in his own words:

"My PhD journey began several years ago. At first, it seemed impossible to balance the rigorous and highly demanding PhD studies with work, and family responsibilities.

"The completion of a PhD dissertation is a significant milestone, representing years of dedication, hard work, and perseverance. It is a culmination of countless hours spent researching, analyzing, writing, and revising. There were moments of self-doubt and challenges, but with determination and support, I overcame them.

"Each stage of the PhD process, from classwork to comprehensive examination to proposal defense to internal defense, has been a stepping stone towards this final goal. Each step has tested my knowledge, skills, tolerance, perseverance, and ability to contribute to the scholarly community. I am grateful for the opportunities to learn and grow throughout this process.

"The guidance and mentorship I received from world-class faculty here in AUN have shaped me into the researcher and scholar I am today. Their expertise and dedication to my academic and personal growth have been instrumental to my success. I am grateful for their patience, encouragement, and commitment to my development.

"As I reflect on this journey, I am humbled by the challenges I have overcome and the knowledge I have gained. The completion of my Ph.D. dissertation is not just a personal achievement but also a testament to the collective efforts of many individuals who have supported me along the way.

"I would like to express my gratitude to my committee members, Prof. Leo Ukpong, Prof. Abdulmumin Sa'ad, and Dr. Ahmed Abubakar who provided valuable insights, feedback, and guidance throughout the research process. Their expertise and critical evaluation have helped shape my work into a comprehensive and meaningful dissertation.

"Furthermore, I would like to extend my gratitude to the dean of the graduate school, who doubles as the interim dean, and the faculty members of the School of Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE). Their support and belief in my abilities have been instrumental in my success. I remain indebted to Dr. Osho Ajayi, Dr. Agatha, and many more. I am thankful for the resources, opportunities, and intellectual environment that SBE and AUN have provided.

"I am highly indebted to the memory of the late Madam Nkem Uzowulu.

"It wasn't easy but it was worth it. Though it seemed impossible, God saw me through it all triumphantly".



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