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Pioneer AUN Engineering Students Mount Poster Exhibition, Impress Evaluators

Pioneer AUN Engineering Students Mount Poster Exhibition, Impress Evaluators

On November 14, 2023, senior AUN School of Engineering (SoE) students presented their innovative projects to the general public for critical academic and industry evaluations at the e-Library Lobby. The SoE Project Poster Presentation was the maiden scholarly presentation of the pioneer students who are set to graduate next year.

A poster exhibition is a platform where the senior students present their partially-ready final-year project works to the general public with the objective of receiving positive feedback and constructive criticism that enable them to improve on their project works before the final defense for their Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) degrees, leading to graduation.

The School of Engineering Project Poster Presentation coincided with the first AUN International Conference, which attracted industry leaders and scholars and allowed the Seniors to get feedback from the best minds in industries and educational institutions.

The interim Dean of SoE, Prof. Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini, was confident and proud of the various projects displayed by his senior students that highlighted their engineering solutions to different societal challenges, especially community-based ones.

One such project focusing on a solution to a local problem is 'Smart Fence Security System' presented by Joseph Francis Charming, who is supervised by Professors Charles Nche and Abubakar Audu, which can tackle security challenges by filming and storing images with the added capability to send an alert message to the facility owner's mobile phone. Another innovative design is 'Smart Agricultural System for Sustainable Farming: A Response to Food Security Crisis in Adamawa State' by Fatima Muawiyah Halilu and Zainab Halilu Mulabu, supervised by Professor Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini.

"AUN Light Proximity Switch Sensor for Library and Other Facilities' by Abubakar Sa'ad, and supervised by Cosmas Izuchigbo and Munzali Ahmed Abana, is designed as a bold attachment equipment that enables the light waves to automatically sense the presence of an intruder while switching off when the person exits.

Reported by John Abah



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