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SBE Students, Faculty Hold Interactive Session

SBE Students, Faculty Hold Interactive Session

Faculty and students in the AUN School of Business and Entrepreneurship (SBE) held an interactive session in Washington Hall on Friday, September 15, 2023, where new and returning students were put through to navigate courses for seamless academic success.

Top of the students and faculty members' interactions were on when and how students can get easy access to their academic semester courses in their school's catalog. Dean of the Graduate School and SBE faculty, Professor Chris Mbah, who stood in for the Dean, informed the students that the soft copy had been made available to the Registry for upload on the University website and would soon be easily accessible to all students.

Another issue bordering on lecture time clash was discussed, where students made it known that in some of their course selections, the time allocated to a particular course coincides with another. This was amicably resolved.

The students were also guided on how to select courses, be it an override or overload for their major, as specific compulsory courses should not be omitted in the selection process. The students were advised to regularly consult their faculty adviser, make judicious use of Academic Advising and Retention services, and seek guidance from their professors to be on the right track.

Reported by Jerry Iliya



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