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Petroleum Chemistry

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
School of Arts & Sciences

Petroleum Chemistry program provides the opportunity for students to acquire knowledge and skills as professionals in Petroleum and Petrochemical field, with focus on new innovations, modern concepts in the petroleum and petrochemical industries that will prepare them to work in multi-disciplinary teams.

The program adopts a multidisciplinary approach drawing modules from various key areas that include: petroleum and petrochemicals, geochemistry, industrial chemistry, petroleum & chemical engineering, environmental remediation, corrosion chemistry, and green chemistry. In addition, it provides opportunity to obtain a thorough fundamental knowledge of all traditional fields in chemistry – analytical, physical, inorganic and organic chemistry.

The Department boasts of modern spectroscopic and chromatographic equipment, and with highly qualified faculty members and laboratory staff.

Many graduates of this program have secured jobs in multinational oil and gas companies, as well as in many chemical and related areas. We have also had former students acquiring graduate degrees (MSc & PhD) from top universities all over the world.


Program: Major and Concentrations

The Department offers BSc in Petroleum Chemistry major, with optional concentrations in:

  • Oil and Gas Chemistry
  • Petrochemical and Polymer Science

Concentrations (Optional):

Oil and Gas Chemistry:

This choice will enable students to have more focus on oil exploration and production, and in natural gas technology areas. Students opting for this concentration are very well trained to take key positions in these areas.


Petrochemical and Polymer Science:

This choice will enable students to have more focus on petrochemical processing and reactions catalysis, polymer technology, and as well as petroleum products (Petrochemicals) manufacturing. Students opting for this concentration are very well trained to take key positions in these areas.

Students majoring in Petroleum Chemistry must complete the following courses within the General Education distribution requirements:

To fulfill the General Education requirement in the science area:
  • CHE 120 General Chemistry I (4)
  • CHE 121 General Chemistry II (4)
(Note: Students with no, or weak, previous background in chemistry in secondary school should complete CHE 101, Introduction to Chemistry, before enrolling in CHE 120. This will make it necessary to attend at least one summer session to complete the degree program in four calendar years.)

To fulfill the General Education requirement in the mathematics area:
  • MAT 210 Calculus I (3)
  • MAT 211 Calculus II (3)

(Note: Students without a background in pre-calculus should complete MAT 112, University Algebra, and/or MAT 120, Pre-calculus, before enrolling in MAT 210 (formerly MAT 121).

This will make it necessary to attend at least one summer session to complete the program in four calendar years.

To fulfill the General Education requirements in the social and behavioral sciences area:
  • ECO 210 Principles of Microeconomics (3)
  • ECO 220 Principles of Macroeconomics (3)

Or advised elective in ANT, ECO, ICP, PSY, SOC

In addition to the General Education Program requirements, the Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Chemistry requires a total of 70 credit hours in courses for major and related science courses.

Seven (7) core Chemistry/industrial chemistry courses (25 credits):
  • CHE 210: Organic Chemistry I (4)
  • CHE 220: Physical Chemistry I (4)
  • CHE 221: Industrial Chemical Processes (3)
  • CHE 324: Industrial Chemical Technology (3)
  • CHE 340: Inorganic Chemistry (4)
  • CHE 330: Analytical Chemistry (4)
  • CHE 331: Instrumental Methods of Analysis & Applied Spectroscopy (3)

Students must complete three courses, 12 credit hours, in related science courses and one additional course in mathematics, 3 credit hours, as shown below:
  • PHY 105, University Physics I (4)
  • PHY 106, University Physics II (4)
  • GEO 101, Introduction to Geology (4)
  • MAT 310, Calculus III (3)

Core Petroleum Chemistry Courses
In addition to the courses listed above, the Petroleum Chemistry students must complete the courses (26 credit hours) outlined below:
  • PCE 310: Petroleum Science (4)
  • PCE 320: Petrochemicals (3)
  • PCE 321: Polymer Chemistry and Technology (4)
  • PCE 311: Natural Gas (3)
  • PCE 410: Oil Spill & Gas Flaring: Effects & Control (3)
  • PCE 421: Electrochemistry & Corrosion Chemistry (3)
  • PCE 416: Coal & Oil Shale Chemistry (3)
  • PCE 493: Internship in Petroleum/Petrochemicals Industry (3-4)

Additionally, students must complete one of the following:
  • CHE 490: Research Project (4)
  • CHE 499: Thesis Project (4, 4: two semester course) ***
***Students must have at least a B average (3.0/4.0) to register for CHE 499.

Free Electives
All petroleum chemistry students are advised to select their free electives in consultation with their Chairs, from the electives below:

  • PCE 313: Introduction to Catalysis (3)
  • CHE 211: Organic Chemistry II (4)
  • CHE 300: Oil & Gas Law (3)
  • CHE 322: Environmental Chemistry (3)
  • CHE 423: Quality Control & Industrial Safety (3)
  • CHE 323: Chemical Kinetics & Thermodynamics (3)
  • CHE 420: Physical Chemistry II (3)
  • CHE 450: Computational Chemistry (4)
  • GEO 301: Elements of Petroleum Geology (3)

2023/24 Annual Tuition

Course Duration
Full Time: 4-year average

Visit our admissions page for full application details.
Call: +234 815 969 2478
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98 Lamido Zubairu Way
Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 805-200-2962

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