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Bachelor of Laws (LLB Honors)
School of Law
Study to become a world-class legal practitioner.
The law program at the AUN School of Law is a unique program anchored on a world-class curriculum that advances human dignity and social justice through the knowledge of law and its innovative application to development.

The main aims and objectives of the degree program in Law are:

  1. To ensure that law is taught as it exists at any given time, and that every law student adopts a comparative and critical approach to legal studies, bearing in mind that there are many systems of law in operation, particularly in pluralistic societies.

  2. To ensure that students are imbued with a general knowledge and understanding of law.

  3. To develop in students the intellectual ability to apply research, knowledge, and analytical skills to solving theoretical and practical legal problems.

  4. To acquaint students with the principles of the judicial process and legal systems, as well as their interaction with socio-economic frameworks.

  5. To provide, through training and orientation, an appreciation of the growing relevance of inter-, trans-, cross-, and multidisciplinary approaches to the solution of complex life problems and the role of law therein.
The program is therefore not designed to make the student an expert in any specific field of law, but to enable him/her to realize available opportunities.

Students can then be positioned to make more sensible choices of where to move in and pitch their tents in the legal field, where to specialize by acquiring the necessary and relevant books, skills, insights, and experiences, which will guide them through life’s journey in, through, and with the law.



98 Lamido Zubairu Way
Yola Township bypass
PMB 2250, Yola
Adamawa State, Nigeria
Tel: +234 805-200-2962

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