On November 23, 2023, Mr. Praise Abdulkarim, Vice Principal (Administration), AUN Schools, made history when he successfully defended his doctoral thesis.
It was all smiles and hugs from his supervisors, faculty members, fellow students, and friends as the shower of congratulations continued after the grueling academic exercise, which lasted for over two hours inside the Conference Room 26, Robert Pastor e-library.
Dr. Praise Abdulkarim's PhD thesis topic is "Mediating Effect of Motivation on the Relationship between Talent Management Strategies and Performance of Public Universities in the Northeastern Region of Nigeria."
Professors Leo Ukpong, Abdulmumin Sa'ad, and Dr. Abubakar Ahmed supervised Dr. Abdulkarim's thesis, adding their hallowed names to the epochal moment after successfully mentoring and berthing SBE's first doctoral student.
One of the most admired personalities in the University Community, all Dr. Praise could say when we called him requesting his reaction was:
"It seemed impossible, but God saw me through it all triumphantly. I am highly indebted to Prof. Leo U. Ukpong, Prof. Abdulmumin Sa'ad, and Dr. Ahmed Abubakar.
Equally thrilled is President DeWayne Frazier who sent his warmest congratulations to Dr. Praise and his family for this accomplishment.Ìý