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Founder's Day: Executive Coaching and Leadership Expert Dr. Steven Titus is Keynote Speaker

Founder's Day: Executive Coaching and Leadership Expert Dr. Steven Titus is Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker for this year's Founder's Day ceremony is an outstanding coaching and leadership expert who has left footprints of excellence in the higher education profession. Dr. Steven Titus, President Emeritus of Iowa Wesleyan University and the past President of Midland University, where he served a combined eleven years, has mentored numerous academic leaders and left his philosophical imprint on their careers.

The higher education environment, being dynamic, is mostly meritorious and demanding. In a career spanning over twenty years, our Keynote Speaker has mentored several leaders and managers, enriching them with the fundamental philosophies that nourish their high-performance skills.

Reflecting on his illustrious career in executive coaching and leadership mentorship, Dr. Steve Titus, currently serving as Vice President and Executive Coaching Practice Leader at Academic Search, Washington, says, in his resume, that it.

"reflects meaningful contribution to the higher education profession and the colleagues I serve."

It is a career, he said, that "rests in the conviction that the ultimate gift and task of leadership is to liberate people and to expand the leadership capacity of our institutions; that is, to create and nurture cultures of leadership and coaching."

Dr. Steve Titus served as President and Professor of Leadership at Iowa Wesleyan University, Mount Pleasant, Iowa, from 2013 to 2019. He was elected President Emeritus in 2019.

As President of Iowa Wesleyan University, Dr. Titus is credited with institutional-wide change leadership resulting in restructuring university governance and operations, enhanced operational efficiencies, and fiscal sustainability.

His successes include transforming, rebranding, and repositioning the University in the marketplace with a renewed and shared vision, a new mission, core values, name (college to University), look, and institutional mark.



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